Sunday, April 4, 2010


Up to date, there is no vaccine against adenovirus infections. The treatments of adenovirus infection are supportive and aim on relieving the symptoms that related with the infection.

Laboratory diagnostic for adenovirus can be generally divides into three types as below:

1. Direct detection of adenovirus:
Virus particle of adenovirus can be detected by observing under electrotron microscope of fecal extract. Specific immunochemistry method such as ELISA also can be used to detect adenovirus antigen. Last but not least, adenovirus nucleic acid can detect by Polymerase chain reaction using tissue sample and body fluid.

2. Isolation
Isolation of adenovirus can be from various sources such as throat, conjunctival swab and urines. Other sources of sample such as stool and rectal swab also can be used but is more difficult to isolate the adenovirus.

3. Serology

Serology test involve use of blood to detect infection of adenovirus using haemaglutination inhibition. Detection using specific antibodies following infection namely neutralization test. Both of method state as above is known as adenovirus typing method.


The infection of adenovirus cannot be treated with antibiotic and no need to have therapy. What we can do is treating symptoms and complications of the infection. Via this treatment strategy, death is rare in adenovirus infection. It is difficult to differentiate from similar disease caused by a variety of RNA viruses.

Before 1996, there are adenovirus vaccines that are safe and effective for serotype 4 and 7. These vaccines are only available for preventing ARD among US military. However, this vaccine was stop in 1996. Antiviral has not been tried to produce for the adenovirus-induced respiratory syndromes.

Treatment for respiratory infection caused by adenovirus may include:
• Increase fluid intake into patient’s body. Drink a lot of water or if necessary, an intravenous (IV) line and electrolyte may be used.
• Bronchodilator medications through an inhaler can be used to open your airways.
• Mechanical ventilation such as oxygen through a mask, nasal progs or an oxygen tent to assist patient’s breathing.

Treatment for intestinal infection may include:
• Oral rehydration by consuming water, formula milk, electrolyte-containing fluids, soda, juice and others.
• Intravenous fluid and nasogatic (NG) tube may be used. The electrolyte level can be monitored.

Prevention of adenovirus

In adenovirus infection, the key prevention is personal hygiene. Careful hand washing can keep away from adenovirus infection. Disinfection of environmental surface with Clorox also keeps clean the adenovirus. Conjunctivitis in swimming pool can be prevented by addition of adequate level of chlorine in the water.

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